TYT (The Young Turks) host Cenk Uygur has recently announced his candidacy in the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary. While Uygur’s chances of effecting the results of the primary are essentially zero, he does through the use of his platform have the ability to depress Democratic turnout by continuing to baselessly state that Biden “has no chance of winning” against Donald Trump.

Cenk Uygur will not be the next US president and he knows that. Not only is Uygur (as a naturalized US citizen) ineligible to serve as president under Article II Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution, he also lacks the popularity and name recognition to do so (as shown by the results of California’s 25th Congressional District’s Special Election in 2020, where he could only muster 6.6%.)

So why run? As a political content creator Cenk Uygur knows that presidential election seasons carry with them the highest potential for increasing viewership, viewer engagement and merchandise sales (such as Uygur’s book “Justice is Coming” which he just happened to launch a month before his presidential campaign.)

Uygur’s primary run is not an earnest attempt to engage in the political process, but a cynical attempt to enhance his visibility vis a vis other political content creators to maximize profits for TYT.

Our Goal

Our goal is to show that Cenk Uygur is unfit for office. Contrary to popular belief TYT’s rightward shift is not a departure from 20 years of left-wing political advocacy, but a return to the network’s reactionary roots. What if we’re wrong and Uygur becomes the Democratic candidate? Then you should thank us Cenk, Republican opposition research would inevitably find these videos anyways so you may as well get them out of the way.